AI Tool Name:
Tool URL:
Enter the web address where the tool can be accessed.
Select Category Group:
Select the Category group that fits best with your tool.
Select the Category.
Select the Category.
Select the Category.
Select the Category.
Select the Category.
Tool Description:
Detail the AI tool’s functions, target audience, and unique features.
Short Description:
Summarise the tool in 280 characters or less.

Feature 1:
Describe a key feature of the tool.
Feature 2:
List another significant feature.
Feature 3:
Mention an additional feature.

Use case 1:
Provide a primary use case for the tool.
Use case 2:
Explain a secondary use case.
Use case 3:
Describe another practical use case.

Pricing Model:
Select the pricing model.
Specify the tool's starting price, if applicable. Clearly indicate the currency and billing frequency using these formats: '£29/Month', '€32/Week', '$29/Minute', etc.

Tool Screenshot:
Maximum file size: 256 MB
Upload a screenshot of the tool's landing page.
Tool Tutorial URL 1:
Provide a link to a helpful tutorial for the tool.
Tool Tutorial URL 2:
Add another tutorial link if available.
Tool Tutorial URL 3:
Include a third tutorial link if possible.
Tool Tutorial URL 4:
Link to an additional tutorial, if one exists.
Tool Tutorial URL 5:
Submit a fifth tutorial URL, if applicable.